Baltic Environmental Education Network BEENET

Consortium 2 Subproject work plan summary table/Finland



Project team




Rantasalmi secondary school


5 teachers, 35 pupils from 8th and 9th grades

August 11 - November 25, 1997


2 optional courses incl. in the curriculum division into 8 small projects

gathering literature, electronic data bases, interviews, measurements, research, field work), evaluation, processing & documenting information

Mikkeli Lyceum

Lichen survey

Bioenergy project:

Mikkeli biomass power plant

4 teachers, 23 pupils from the 1st and 2nd grades

The field work for the lichen survey in autumn 94 was done by some 25 pupils

Field work for the lichen survey: autumn 94

Actual project work: spring 97

During an ecology workshop course embedded in the school curriculum

Lichen survey: species recognition, method practice, field work; gathering, analysing, processing & documenting information

Bioenergy project: gathering (literature, company visit, analysing, processing & documenting


Energy consumption inventory and potential sources of energy savings at the Kalevankangas secondary school

7 teachers, 20 pupils from the 9th grade

October 1, 97 - February 2, 98

10 small projects incl. in the school curriculum

gathering basic information, determining the long and/or short-term consumption of thermal and electric power, water and different papers, cost efficiency comparisons

Pieksämäki upper secondary school

Energy production, energy saving and climate protection in Pieksämäki

14 teachers, some 80 pupils from grades 1-4

Lichen survey: spring 97 Small projects 1-8: Aug. - November 97

Small projects 9-10: Oct. - Nov. 97

11 small projects integrated in the school curriculum

Gathering an analysing information (literature, Internet, interviews, inquiries, diaries, observations, company visits, measurements, computing)


Oct.18th, 1997