Baltic Environmental Education Network BEENET Consortium 2

Finnish school contributions to "Cliinate Protection and Energy Saving"

 Subproject work plan

1) Name of the school: Mikkeli Lyceum upper secondary school

2) Title of the subproject: Lichens as an indicator of air quality; Bioenergy project: Mikkeli biomass power plant

 3) Participants:

 a) Teachers

- Mr Martti Hahtola, biology, geography, school coordinator

- Ms Tuula Ahonen, German

- Mr Matti Saresma, mathematics, physics, chemistry

- Mr Matti Nissinen, guidance counselling

b) Pupils

- 23 pupils of the 1 st and 2nd grade participating in an ecology workshop course

4) Schedule

Both projects were implemented during the spring term 97. The field work for the lichen survey was done in 1994 under the supervision of the Mikkeli Region Environmental Center and Mr Martti Hahtola. The results of the projects will be used as learning material for 1 st grade biology and 1 st & 2nd grade geography classes during the autumn term 97 and the spring term 98. The material will also be availabie for the Mikkeli Lyceum secondary school.

5) Implementation

For the lichen survey, the pupils were first taught how to identify those species that indicate air quality and how to evaluate the damages caused to them by air pollution. The research method was learned in practice. After that the actual field work was done by the pupils and the results reported by the Environmental Center. During the spring 97 ecology workshop course the results were further analysed and compiled in a learning unit with posters and slides.

For the bioenergy project, the information was gathered during a visit to the Mikeli biomass power plant, analysed, processed and compiled in a leaming unit.

Both projects had been embedded in the school curriculum.

The 3 evaluation / documentation steps will be implemented as scheduled by the Coordinator.

6) Methods

Lichen survey: species recognition, method practice, field work; gathering, analysing, processing and documenting information
Bioenergy project: gathering information by means of literature reading and interviewe / observations during a company visit; analysing, processing and documenting of information