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I. Climate and it's changes (lessons 1-5).


1. Definitions: "climate", "weather".


Fig. 1

*** the typical dependences (fig. 1 as an example) of temperature, humidity, wind velocity in Kiel, Tallinn, Rantasalmi, Petrozavodsk on time (for one year period). These pictures give a good opportunity to illustrate and compare the climate and weather parameters in the towns.


2. Climate-forming factors I. The draft qualitative approach.


Key words: open systems, radiation, convection, heat/mass transfer





The parameters of the structure depend on the configuration and orography of continents. Despite the stochastic nature of the processes, the whole system is self-organized: for example the main parameters of time and spatial cycles are stable.


*** The examples of stable parameters (preferable wind direction, periods of cyclonic activity etc.)




Additional materials, exercises, homeworks, remarks:


3. Climate-forming factors II. Numeric values of climate parameters and their controlling factors.


Key words: self-organised systems, stability, relaxation times, natural rotation times, biocoinosis.




  Additional materials, exercises, homeworks, remarks:  

4. The natural changes of climate, including retrospective analysis.


Key words: climate cycles, stratosphere, paleodata.

 Demonstrations:   II. Problems of energy production (lessons 6-10).


1. World energetics and it's structure.


Key words: biogeocoinosises, antropogenic pressure, demotechnical index.

 *** The values of D for participating countries. D = 79 and 110 for Russia and Karelia correspondingly (1990 y.)


2. Traditional energy resources.



3. Alternative energy producers.


4. Energy resources and consuming in Karelia.


III. Antropogenic climate changes_2 (lessons 11-16).


1. Greenhouse effect


2. Aerosols.


** 3. Ozone Layer.

** 4. Acid rains.


5. Temperature inversions. Provoked photochemical reactions.


IV. The ways of preserving the climate stability and saving energy resources (lessons 17-22).

 Key words: decarbonization of energetics, efficiency.

The ways of energy saving on the stages of extracting, transportation and consuming.

Local, regional and global problems of saving energy.  

Appendix 1. Exercise book.

 I. 1. Estimation of the temperature of planets and the Sun's surface.

I.2. The calculation and comparison of climatic parameters on opposite sides of the mountain chain with preferable wind velocity in perpendicular direction. (Lee side is more dry and hot, which sometimes result is desert appearance).

II.3. Evaluation of the upper limit of efficiency of water and wind engines (8/27).

III.3. Evaluation of the precipitation distance 1 for particles of different sizes d. (For wind velocity 6 m/c: if d = 2 10= cm, 1= SOOkm;ifd=2 10~3cm,1=lOOkm).

II.3 The evaluation of the energetic potential of the sea waves. (Approx. 1 kWt per meter of coast).

IV. The calculation of the optimal stechiometric coefficients (proportion fuel-air) for modern engines. (For CH4 proportion is 1: 10).

 III.5. The value of temperature gradient in troposphere. (1°C per 100m).


Appendix 2. Computer support.

"Delphi" - application for Windows with wide opportunities for modelling simple bio-, geo-, meteorprocesses.

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